Mon. May 13th, 2024

Deep-Clean Your Bathroom in 10 Steps

A moment you’ve been postponing has arrived, there are no more excuses. You need to deep-clean your bathroom because the superficial cleaning you probably do now and then is just not enough. Deep cleaning is recommended for any room, but let’s say that the bathroom is especially important because of its hygienic importance. Since it has to be done, make sure you follow some important steps on your way to the deep bathroom cleaning and you will see that it can be done easily and efficiently.

First, remove any clutter

If there’s any current clutter, such as trash, the bathroom counter covered with face and hair products, hairbrush, etc, just clean them with a cloth and dispose of them so they don’t stand in the way. You won’t everything to be cleaned, so any product packaging is to be cleaned as well. If you want to use natural ingredients to do this, good options are lemon or vinegar. Whatever you use, make sure you open the window so you don’t have to inhale any harsh smells.

Wipe all the surfaces in your bathroom

Use a cloth and antibacterial products to clean all the surfaces in your bathroom, like counters, shelves, bathtub, and of course floors. For the floor, you might want to leave it for the final step because while cleaning you might spill something or make a small mess on the floor, so you will need to clean it again.

Clean the shower

Make sure you remove all the hairs stuck in your shower. Wet the shower using hot water and make sure to wipe well the walls of the shower, as well as the floor in the end. Before wiping, make sure you wait for about 10 minutes leaving the cleaning products sitting on the shower areas. While waiting, you can do something else, like cleaning the sink. Hand dryers are useful in these situations since they allow you to dry your hands anytime without using the wipes that would only make more mess. Then, when the products have already worked, scrub everything and remove it with water. You can leave your shower to dry naturally, but it would be good if you wiped it again a bit, just to make sure there are no stains from the water drops.

Don’t forget the shower curtain or doors

Shower curtains could be washed and hung somewhere outside so they can dry naturally. You want to avoid a mess of dripping water. For shower doors, you can use the same products as for the rest of the shower. Later, you can just simply hang again the curtain when everything is done.

Clean the bathroom sink

Since this is the area you frequently use and touch, you want to reduce the spreading of any bacteria. Make sure you use disposable wipes for the faucet. Be very thorough with the faucet because many germs get stitched in the less reachable parts. After cleaning the faucet, you can clean the whole sink and wipe it.

Clean the toilet

A scrub brush is a good tool to clean the toilet, so once the toilet cleaning products have sat for some 10 minutes, start scrubbing. It’s similar to cleaning the shower. You might be tempted to flush the toilet right away, but make sure you wait at least 10 minutes so all the products have time to do their job. While waiting for this, you can close the lid and fully clean the entire exterior part of the toilet. Don’t forget the upper area where the flusher is. This is where all the dust accumulates and we frequently touch it. Gross, right?

Vacuum all the mats or rugs

If you have rugs or mats in your bathroom, make sure to thoroughly vacuum them, and then you can take them out before cleaning the floors. Mats are very useful but they accumulate dirt and they are frequently damp, so it would be good to wash them from time to time, other than just vacuuming. You will return them to their place once you’ve cleaned the floor as well.

Deep clean the bathroom floor

Mopping the floor is the next step and it needs to be done thoroughly. We all know the procedure, make a solution made of water and floor cleaner. It can be a commercial one or any homemade one. Dip a mop into a basket, wring it out and start cleaning. Make sure you get all the areas of your floor, even the most remote ones because that’s where the most dirt and dust accumulates. Don’t forget to start far from the door and to gradually move towards the door, since this way you can leave the toilet once the floor has been clean and wait outside so it can get dry. If you do it the other way around you will have to step up your recently cleaned floor and that’s the worst thing when cleaning.

Clean the bathroom walls and ceiling

While cleaning the bathroom walls, you shouldn’t forget the ceiling although it’s not easily reachable (but that’s exactly why it collects all the spider net and dust). A scrubbing brush is handy for cleaning mold and mildew that is so frequent in these areas. Make sure you leave everything dry after that because precisely the dampness is what causes mold in the first place.

Clean all the bathroom tools used

The last but very important step is to clean all the scrubs, mops, and cloths and also to ditch all the disposable wipes used for cleaning. You don’t want all this damp stuff full of bacteria and germs to stay in your bathroom. It would stink, it would cause the spreading of bacteria and it would make all your cleaning useless. Put all the hand towels in the washing machine as well and replace them with clean ones.

You can have a sigh of relief, your bathroom is finally clean, and by following these tips, it hasn’t been so much of a hassle. If you do all this properly and later maintain the result by decluttering and wiping, you won’t have to deep clean very frequently at all.

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